Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Born Under Punches

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Here it is, a little concert to unveil new songs, say hello to everyone and play alongside our favourite bunch of bands and disc jockeys...There are tickets going for sale on friday 15th june at ticket master and there will also be a very limited amount available at the door.
Take care, see you there,


kari said...

too bad i canceled my trip to london during this time to see you in chicago. would have been kickass!!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun little gig.

i hope the us tour gets figured out soon.

Anonymous said...

Erm, I think you might have made a mistake. I couldn't find any tickets on Ticketmaster, but tickets are most definitely available on TicketWeb

Link: Tickets Here!

nicnaks99 said...

Awesome!!! that is pretty much 10 minutes on the tube from me. Is it posible to buy tickets before? I do not want to be disapointed on the door and there does not seem to be tickets available from the link you posted.
Any ticket purchasing direction will be much appreciated.
Cheers dudes!

Anonymous said...

I cant seem to find this gig on tickmaster?

Anonymous said...

help! been trying to find the tickts on ticketmaster but to no avail. i am so excited by the prospect of this gig......i hope they haven't sold out or anything disastrous!